Swimmer’s Ear

By: Sarah Almasalkhi, RPh, PharmD Otitis externa, also known as swimmer’s ear, is inflammation of the external ear canal often caused by bacterial infection. Swimmer's ear is most prevalent during the summer when swimming and high humidity are more common. The...

International Youth Day

By: Jeff Yurek, BScPhm International Youth Day is celebrated annually on August 12 to bring attention to youth issues and to celebrate the potential of youth as partners in today’s society. The theme of this year’s International Youth...

SMA Awareness Month

by Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE August is a time to raise awareness to the plight of those Canadians affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) SMA is classified as a group of genetic conditions that affect 1 in...

Yoga Helps You Feel Better; and Science Proves it!

By Lorann Lalonde , one of our fantastic accounts and resident yogi For decades, practitioners have been praising the benefits of yoga. But is meditative yoga just a spiritual journey, or is there more to the practice? A...

Back to School Anxiety; 7 Tips to Help Your Child

By: Vishal Mehta, BPharm, RPh Kids thrive when they feel safe and supported, but school can be stressful for kids of all ages, especially the first week. Although new teachers, different expectations, and undulating social environments can be...

How Gratitude Makes You Feel Better

French philosopher Jacques Maritain said, “Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.” More recent research shows that being grateful is more than polite; it may change your brain! Researchers in California conducted a study1 using an MRI...

Is Your Pharmacist Indispensable?

by Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE Your pharmacist has spent 6-8 years in university learning their profession. Taking many courses in chemistry, biology, pathophysiology, therapeutics, they have dedicated a large portion of time acquiring knowledge to help you...

How Music Helps You Feel Better

By Melanie, our Dispensary Manager You could say that music is part of our DNA. With the oldest known instrument (a bird wing flute) dating back 40,000 years, it’s clear that music has been an integral part of...

How a Team Sport Can help you Feel Better

By Kristina, Retail Manager Yurek Pharmacy & Home Healthcare London. Few can argue that our global ‘online’ obsession has its drawbacks, the most obvious being our physical isolation from one another. Joining a sports team can offer benefits...

Resilience and Resolution – St. Thomas Proud

by Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE, FASCP What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger is a common expression coined first by German Philosopher, Fredrich Nietszche and it speaks to resilience and affirmation in the face of adversity. Over...

Sunshine Helps You Feel Better

By: Daria Horbal, Pharm.D, RPh. We all know the dangers of over-exposure to the sun. But getting enough sun can help you feel better and keep you healthy too! When we venture out into the sun, ultraviolet B...

Self-Care Should Be Everywhere

By: Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE July 24th has been chosen International Self-Care Day by the international self-care foundation. Its purpose is to help us recognize the importance of self-care to our health and to the healthcare system....

The Pharmacist Evolution

By: Jeff Yurek, BScPhm In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, Lemon’s Drug Store at 633 Talbot Street was the town’s trusted apothecary. Ed Yurek, pictured above, began as a Soda Jerk and then became a Pharmacist. Whatever...

Living with Psoriasis

By: Jeff Yurek BScPhm, RPh Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects 125 million people in the world. Like other autoimmune diseases, there is no cure, but treatment protocols can help alleviate symptoms. Psoriasis is not contagious. Although...