Leena Thomas, RPh. at Yurek Pharmacy author of Summer and Migraines

Summer and Migraines

Can a beautiful, sunny day, perfect for outdoor activities, trigger a migraine? Unfortunately, for some of us, the answer is “yes!” Migraine is a headache that is accompanied by severe throbbing or a pulsing sensation, usually on one...
Steve Bond, Pharmacist at Yurek Pharmacy & Home Healthcare in St. Thomas.

Seniors Oral Health is Whole Health

When I was a young lad, I was always amazed (and maybe a little freaked out) when my grandfather would pull his teeth from a cup at his bedside and pop them into his mouth. Of course, he...
Author of water safety for families and New Canadians

Water Safety for Families and New Canadians

Summer and the joy of water activities have arrived! Everyone should be aware of how to stay safe around water: Families with young children (kids under 12 have a higher risk of drowning); Adults (who take unnecessary risks,...

Gardening Like a Physiotherapist

“Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” (Sigmund Freud) Gardening has multiple physical and mental health benefits. Specifically, it can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity. I like gardening because...

Seniors, it’s time to boost your immune system!

The body’s first line of defense against viruses and infections is our immune system.  Weak immune systems make us vulnerable to a higher risk of developing flu complications that can result in hospitalization or even death. Unfortunately, 50-70%...

Exercising with Osteoarthritis

By Doyin, Pharmacist Osteoarthritis simply means the inflammation or swelling and pain in one or more joints. It is caused by the loss of cartilage that protects the bones where they meet at the joint. Some risk factors...

Never Too Old to Learn

By: Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE, FASCP As a father of teenage daughters, I find myself learning new facts daily. Some are fascinating and others I put into the category of TMI (too much information). As a pharmacist,...
Jeff Yurek

Helping the Isolated and Lonely Feel Better

By Jeff Yurek, BScPhm Regardless of age, we may know of someone who may have become more isolated and lonely. Either can have negative effects on one’s mental and physical health, and lead to a decline in their...

Brave The Icy Weather

By: Leena Thomas, Specialities Pharmacist Last week I happened to see a teenage girl browsing the skincare products in the pharmacy. She approached me to get an idea of the best skin moisturizing product that suits her to...

Tis the Season to Indulge!

Sarah Lee, PharmD Your Neighbourhood Staff Pharmacist Holiday thoughts are in the air – plans for gift-giving, friends and family get-togethers and food preparations. A joyous time of the year but also a time of overindulging. Celebrations often...

Boosting Your Child’s Immune System

By; Mahdi Khanafer Pharmacist/Designated Manager As the pandemic continues and cold and flu season arrives, it is time to consider how to help support your child’s immune system to stay healthy and strong. While there is no one magic...

Hype on Collagen

By: Lisa Thoonen Should we jump on the collagen wagon? The term collagen has been gaining status with both consumers and medical experts. Basically, all humans have the protein collagen, about one-third of our body is collagen. You...

How to Help Your Child Return to School

By: Yemi Alade, Pharmacy Manager at Yurek Specialties Limited After surviving lockdowns, school closures and remote work caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, families are starting to realign their daily routines from constantly at home together to returning to...
Medication Pill Box Pill Bottle with Prescription Drug

Medication Adherence

By: Peter Yurek The treatment of various medical conditions often includes the use of prescription drugs. These medications are effective, but their full benefit is not realized because many patients do not take them as prescribed. According to...

To Supplement or Not To Supplement? By: Peter Yurek

Supplements, which include vitamins, minerals, probiotics and fiber, are a source of debate for many nutrition experts. Many experts agree that eating a nutrient rich diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products) is more effective than...