Fittings: Compression Garments

We provide medical grade (prescription required) and non-medical (over-the-counter options of 15-20 mmHg) stockings for general comfort and support for Healthcare Workers. Personal Support Workers, Athletes, Pregnant and Patients with Cancer. 

Why Compression Garments at Yurek?

London store has an ADP compression fitter who is certified in Lymphedema for hypertrophic scar management, lymphedema sleeves, sequential extremity pumps, accessories, and certified Orthopedic Footwear & Footcare Fitter.

Our certified ADP compression fitter measures for an arm sleeve.

Visit our St. Thomas store for professional fitting services. Our certified fitters have the expertise to help you find the right medical grade or over-the-counter compression garment to meet your needs.

Our ADP compression fitter measures for compression socks.

Compression Garments Suppliers

Suppliers vary at each location.


trained by a manufacturer of pressure modification devices, recognized by the ADP and issued, our experienced certified fitters measure, fit and educate clients who need custom- fitted or custom-made pressure garments for hypertrophic scar management, lymphedema or sleeves and/or sequential extremity pumps/accessories.

Is a gatekeeper to the Program and assumes a leadership role in the assessment process, confirmation of the Applicant’s eligibility and completion of the Application Form in a timely fashion;

Provides the Applicant with accurate information about the ADP policies and procedures, and eligibility criteria;

Provides the Applicant with the applicant information sheet;

Maintains current knowledge of the Pressure Modification Devices that he/she is registered for with the Assistive Devices Program;

Identifies the need for Pressure Modification Devices as part of the Client assessment process and authorizes the Devices that meet the needs of the Client;

Provides the Applicant/Client with the Approved Price for the Pressure Modification Devices and explains any additional costs not covered by the ADP that the Applicant may expect to incur, if assessing the Client and fitting the Devices

Schedules regular follow-up appointments with the Client to check the fit of the Pressure Modification Devices and the manner in which the Client is wearing and maintaining the Devices, if assessing the Client and fitting the Devices;

Ensures that any Client with a need for a different size or style of compression garment is referred back to the Authorizer;

Ensures that any Client with a suspected change in medical condition is referred back to his/her physician for medical review;

Does not submit an Application Form to the Program for an individual who does not meet the ADP eligibility criteria.

health professionals registered with the ADP prescribe and authorize sequential extremity pumps and accessories for individuals with primary Lymphedema.

They may prescribe and authorize compression garments and sleeves as well Pressure Modification Device, which produce external pressure to an individual’s body to help manage lymphedema.