by Steve Bond, BScPhm, RPh, CDE, FASCP
What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger is a common expression coined first by German Philosopher, Fredrich Nietszche and it speaks to resilience and affirmation in the face of adversity. Over the past two years, we have faced adversity on a global, national and local level that has tested our spirit.
Over the past two years, we have faced adversity on a global, national and local level that has tested our spirit. Dealing with infection personally and amongst family friends and neighbours has been challenging. So too, mitigation strategies like physical distancing, masking and closures have taken their toll on our community emotionally and financially. There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel and for the first time in a while, it’s not the light of an oncoming freight train. Far be it from me to say that COVID is a thing of the past; as I write this, we have 89 ongoing cases including 21 new infections in our Southwest Public Health Region. It is with cautious optimism that I say that things are looking better. Our community is strong and resilient, and it feels like we are now waking from a two-year slumber.
One doesn’t have to look any further than our own Railway City Tourism events page to see our resolution. Events like the St. Anne’s fair and home show have returned. These iconic events are and have been mainstays in our community for some time. I have fond memories of attending the fair as a child, a teen and then later as a father. The sounds and smells still resonate in my memory and bring me joy. Local theatre has also returned as our hometown thespians prepare to make us laugh and cry as they take the stages. Fields and diamonds are filled with young and not-so-young players eager to get back to the summer sports that they love and have missed. Local breweries are hosting music nights and our downtown patios are filling up with folks ready to mingle and socialize again.
We have seen many changes due to Covid-19. Some will likely remain such as virtual appointments and enhanced use of technology, which was necessary to provide services when face-to-face wasn’t possible. Some things will never change — like the resilience we see in our local businesses and citizens. So, I still caution to be careful, stay home if you are ill; this virus isn’t gone yet. When it is possible, however, try to enjoy all the great events our community has to offer. Take care of yourselves and each other.
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