Whether you’re traveling to spend time with loved ones or hosting out-of-town guests for Christmas, it’s always good to be prepared with a few essentials. Here are some items to ensure you and your guests feel comfortable:

Cold and Flu

  • Cough drops or lozenges (you never know if someone will catch a cold during travel)
  • Pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (for headaches, body aches, or general discomfort)
  • Thermometer (just in case)
  • Decongestant or nasal spray (for travelers adjusting to different climates or those prone to colds, but talk to your pharmacist before taking any)


  • Band-aids and gauze (always handy for minor cuts or blisters)
  • Antiseptic wipes or ointment (like Polysporin)
  • Hydrocortisone cream (for itching or rashes)

Sleep Aids

  • Sleep aids (melatonin – some people need time to adjust to a new bed)
  • Eye masks or earplugs (for a good night’s sleep if adjusting to time zone changes)

My Favourite

  • Yurek All-Natural Lip balm (Ask our cashiers for one. Please give him/her your email address and you’ll get one free!)

Having these items on hand can make your guests feel well-cared-for and at ease during their stay. Merry Christmas!

By Peter Yurek, B.Sc. Phm.