Picture of Pete the author of Aging in Place & Wearable Technology

A study conducted by AARP (formerly, the American Association of Retired Persons) discovered that 45% of Participating adults (50+) reported an increase in motivation for healthier lifestyles after wearing technology for six weeks. Interestingly, 67% of the participants believed that the wearables were beneficial and of great value. Seniors reported an interest in tracked activity levels (steps, stairs climbed, kilometers walked), sleep tracking features and heart rate monitoring.

You probably know a senior who is in their own home and likes to go for walks or other activities. Wearable technology can alert them when their heart rate is too high. With this information doctors ran tests and discover potential areas of concern before it’s too late. Indeed, these devices can play a crucial role in life saving circumstances.

Wearable technology can provide your family members and caregivers with peace of mind. Fall detectors and emergency monitoring features give those who are aging in place the freedom and flexibility to carry on with whatever they like to do while adding an extra layer of protection in case an emergency should occur.

With so many options available for wearable technology, it is important that you choose the “perfect fit” based on your needs and wants. Whatever platform and brand you prefer, please make sure you find it user-friendly and it’s compatible with your family and friends’ devices, if necessary.

By Peter Yurek, BSc.Phm