For 30+ years, I have had to juggle many things in life including making thousands of decisions along the way. It’s an empowering, yet daunting task – especially when you have work and family commitments, as well as personal goals.

The question is, what is worth my time and energy?

That’s where personal values come in.

If life is an elaborate collection of songs, our values are the metronome that keeps the playlist in sync. It’s the rhythm that guides us through tough decisions, no matter how fast and furious the music gets.

Most of my personal values were instilled in me by my parents. They help me prioritize what’s truly important. Whether it’s putting family first, carving out me-time, or chasing a lifelong passion — knowing what matters provides a calming assurance. When I plan my day-to-day with these core values in mind, I feel more in control no matter what the circumstances.

Whether you formed your values with help from your parents or others that you looked up to, it’s a good idea to identify or reaffirm your values. I say reaffirm because our values may change with age or significant events in life. Either way, according to, you should start by asking yourself some simple questions: What are your priorities? What gives you fulfillment? Once you have your answers, making decisions becomes easier, and you’re less likely to experience stress or, heaven forbid, burnout.

In a world that seems to pull us in in all different directions, knowing your personal values keeps your feet on the ground. It offers a sense of purpose and direction that guides you towards your goals, ultimately helping you feel better.

By Peter Yurek, BSc.Phm