What is it and how does it affect the average person?
There can be many different food additives in the processed foods we eat and drink. Health Canada makes sure those ingredients are safe for consumers. They rely on new and previously reviewed information to keep users protected. As of August 30th, 2024, a change has been announced regarding the “List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted” Uses found in Health Canada.
BROMINATED VEGETABLE OIL (BVO) is used to emulsify (blend) citrus-flavoured beverages. Simply put, the ingredient helps to keep the drink from separating. By August 30, 2025, Canadian Food Manufacturers will have to remove this food additive from their ingredients.
Health Canada does not think there is an immediate health concern but “their assessment did not support BVO continuing to be permitted as a food additive.”
BOTTOM LINE: if you drink bottled/canned citrus drinks that include the ingredient BVO (brominated vegetable oil) in it – limit or avoid consuming.
By Elizabeth Ailles, Registered Dietitian from Central Community Health Centre