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Today, I thought I’d take a sharp turn out of what we’ve covered during the last several years and instead plunder your best stories about, just, how to do a weekend right.
Because it’s that time again (weekend time) and, honestly, I’m not sure I know how to make the best use of these precious 48 hours. And they don’t come with an instruction manual.
According to Laura Vanderkam, author of several time management and productivity books, a weekend can feel short, but it contains almost the same number of hours as your work week. (I wish my work weeks were only 40 hours, but that’s a different story!)
Because weekends involve less accountability than our jobs, sometimes we waste them. After tracking how she spends her weekends, Laura Vanderkam changed her habits and began to spend less time mindlessly checking email and more time reading, puzzling, and doing things worth remembering.
By Peter Yurek, B.Sc.Phm.