By: Leena Thomas, Registered Pharmacist at Yurek Specialties.
Brain cancer is a devastating diagnosis. Most people who receive that news are overwhelmed with confusion, anxiety, fear, and isolation. But they have some idea of what to expect can make the journey to recovery a little easier to manage.
Brain cancer is a mass of abnormal cells. Whether the tumour is malignant or benign, as it grows, it pushes against sensitive areas of the brain, causing headaches, seizures, and changes in behaviour, speech, memory, and concentration. Current treatment plans involve surgery, Chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination. Medications can be given orally, by a single injection, through subcutaneous infusion under your skin, or intravenously in your veins.
Their effectiveness depends on your health status and the tumour’s location, size, stage, and grade.
The side effects for each treatment option are similar and may include the following:
- Pain and site soreness
- Fatigue
- Headaches and brain fog
- Hair loss
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite and weight changes
- Swelling
- Seizures
- Trouble swallowing
Recovery times vary from a few weeks after surgery to over a year after radiation (for some patients). Fortunately, advances in pharmacology and delivery methods allow you to spend significant recovery time in the comfort of your own home.
Getting the full benefit of many options like home healthcare, joining online and in-person support groups, using support tools, and learning more about brain cancer can take you a significant step closer to recovery. For more information, visit For more on in-home medical care, speak to your Yurek pharmacist or visit